

  • 海豚加速器白金破解版

    Fostering Deep Learning of Complex Biology for Building Our Next Generation’s Scientists

  • rollercoaster

    Science inquiry using physical and virtual experiments

  • 海豚加速器破解

    A radical rethinking of content, organization, and interaction of digital STEM content for school and college level education


21 Jan

Puntambekar expanding efforts to unlock secrets for helping middle school students better learn science. - Learning Connections |UW–Madison School of Education

24 Oct

Teachers continue experiment with new instructional method. Students learn by participating as part of the CoMPASS project. -海豚加速器破解版手机

20 Aug

ILDL director, Sadhana Puntambekar, received $4.2M from the National Science Foundation for the Model Comparisons and BioSphere projects.

4 Mar

战斗吧!精灵下载- 全方位下载:2021-3-21 · 海豚加速器白金破解版 会声会影x9下载 会声会影x9破解版 下载 绘声绘影x9免费下载 收获日2修改器 收获日2修改器下载 收获日2修改器绿色版 小马宝莉非凡公主无限钻石版 小马宝莉非凡公主 小马宝莉非凡公主无限金币宝石版 ...


The Interactive Learning and Design Lab, directed by Professor Sadhana Puntambekar, is a group of researchers, subject matter experts, software developers, and  teachers,  who collaborate to design innovative software and curricula to foster new ways for middle school students to learn and do science and engineering. The central premise of our work is to enable students to see the connections between science ideas, to learn the central ideas and networks of conceptual relationships, rather than a set of discrete facts. This premise is embodied in all of the tools that we design to foster science learning:

  • an etextbook Sci-Viz, that shows visualizations of the connections among science ideas
  • design challenges that address major themes, central principles and core ideas providing opportunities to understand the network of science concepts and principles
  • 海豚加速器破解, for recording predictions, hypotheses, and claims, recording data, providing justifications, and developing evidence-based explanations

Our materials have been used by over 10,000 students in middle schools in Wisconsin and Connecticut.


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